Dhavid Baker
(Terence Baker's oldest son)
Dhavid is fourteen years old with deep brown eyes. His head reaches his father's shoulder, but where his father's body looks to be built out of solid rock, Dhavid's thin frame looks more like a temporary structure that is still awaiting completion.
Malnor Baker
(Terence Baker's son)
Malnor is nine years old - a whole year older than Kiko. He often makes a point of proclaiming his superior position.
Kiko Baker
(Terence Baker's youngest son)
Kiko is eight years old. He's always grinning and running errands. He is the youngest of the boys, and brimming with enthusiasm, if not knowledge. His sandy blond hair lifts up in the slightest of breezes. He asks a lot of questions.
Terence Baker
(Guildmaster, Stone Guild)
Baker is well respected amongst the guilds. He has four sons and a lot of experience to share with them.
Thomas Baker
(Terence Baker's oldest son)
Thomas is thirteen years old and has pale blue eyes. He seldom speaks unless prompted. His dark hair is thick but short and brushed flat across the top of his head. When he speaks it is in a quiet voice, not shy but lacking the need for any attention.
Nick Chambers
(Commander, Security Forces)
Nick Chambers is a commander in the Security Forces. He had a golden career path for several years until he met a recruit named Rachel Henson. He became involved with her briefly and gave her a child. Though he hadn't wanted a child, he tried initially to be a father to Lisa but it didn't work out. Nick's career slid backwards since Lisa's birth. He has been missing since the Battle of Havers Compound.
Gary Drefnig
(Commander in the Security Forces.)
One of the younger commanders at Central Command, but also one of the most experienced. Many think that he has a promising career ahead of him. He has a calm head and is respected by most of the other commanders.
(Platform Deliveries Manager)
An old man who has been working in the White Spear since Markov was a boy. Druro's role is unclear. He has the highest security clearance and he reports only to Lord Hades.
Jane Farsight
(Commander in the Security Forces.)
Works on combat operations throughout the city.
Erin Foster
(Commander in the Security Forces.)
Foster is in charge of managing the White Spear's deliveries room. Handling inbound deliveries is a security intensive process, one that requires an eye for detail, a thorough mind, and a great deal of patience.
Dr Frederick Francene
Works in one of the medical centres on Level 161 of Tower Two.
Pietra Goran
(Lord. President of the Southern Territories)
His presidential title is honorary only. He has never visited the Southern Territories and has no interest in them. He is arrogant and has a volatile temper.
Colloran Hades
(Lord, Techno Prophet)
One of the greatest Techno-Prophets of his time. His Information theories are highly regarded as both a great source of inspiration and also a great source of concern. He has foretold that through the great advances of technology mankind will excel, change his own evolution and destroy himself in the process. Many of his theories are unpopular but he is highly regarded by those who agree with his theories and also those who violently disagree.
Jake Harris
(Commander in the Security Forces)
Harris has grown a little long in the tooth these days, but he has a wealth of experience gained from over a hundred combat operations. He was one of Rachel's first commanders. She considers him to be a friend.
Isor Helleron
(Jacob Helleron's brother)
The youngest son of Roy Helleron, and brother to Jacob. He was a military research specialist for the Kamari before being killed at the Battle of Havers Compound.
Jacob Helleron
(Military Specialist, Kamari)
The youngest son of Roy Helleron. A military specialist, strategist and member of the Kamari. Jacob spent eight years training in a range of martial arts before joining his father's side in the Kamari strategy unit.
Roy Helleron
(Chief Strategist, Kamari)
Chief strategist of the Kamari. Roy is known for his calm ability to overcome obstacles and undermine enemies. He comes from a military background having worked in various capacities within the Security Forces before switching sides and joining the Kamari five years ago. He is loyal only to himself and seeks opportunity where he finds ound, sent as an afterthought rather than part of the original Beacon Attack Force. He knew Nick well and was sad about his loss.
Jenny Sanworth
(Guild Master, Bioengineering Guild)
Sanworth is quick thinking and inquisitive. She also has a reputation for being outspoken.
Gail Thompson
A formidable woman who had a long and chequered business career before becoming the Admiral of Central Command. She had been largely successful in her role and had spread a degree of fear throughout the organisation, until she was uncovered as a traitor by Lord Hades. She has since been exiled from the Orange zone.
Damen Trent
The brother of Riser Trent. Damen is an engineer with a dubious history of criminality and poor reputation as an idle worker. He was once linked to an incident with the governor's fifteen year old daughter but she refused to testify and no charges were ever brought.
Riser Trent
(News hack)
Riser Trent was a news hack who was always on the lookout for a chance to make the big time. He worked at Mekinet News on all the jobs that nobody else wanted to do. He monitored communications links, hacked into computer systems and sought information that he could use to extort credits. During the Battle of Havers Compound he was attacked by Rachel Henson in the basement of the Mekinet News Building. He suffered burns to his face, neck and arm and has been in hiding ever since.
Peter Turnpike
(Second rank Guildsman, Farmers Guild)
A junior member of the Farmers Guild
Richard Vanmarek
(Commander in the Security Forces.)
He works mostly on the ground level of the White Spear, but also takes part in combat operations throughout the city.
Thomas Winkle
(Auto-shuttle fleet manager)
An old man who manages a fleet of auto-shuttles in the Old Quarter.
Annie Worrel
(Child minder for Lisa Henson)
Annie Worrel is the long-time child minder of Lisa Henson, Rachel's daughter.